Hope Bangalore Bible Conference 2016

Church Growth Through Shepherding was the theme of Hope Bangalore’s Bible Conference held on 25th-27th Mar 2016 in Jireh House. Though not foreign to many brothers and sisters, it was the first time that our speaker, Ps Kwong Lie and his wife Ps Eunice experienced Bangalore’s summer heat.

There were 34 participants, with about 10 joining BC for the first time. We have Bro Sebastian from Hope Berlin, Sis XiaoYun from Hope Mumbai, besides our brothers and sisters from Hope Bangalore. New leaders were tasked with organising the BC. Various brothers and sisters helped in preparing breakfast, cooking lunch, making tea, leading games, sharing testimonies, etc. God’s presence was tangible throughout the BC.

Ps Kwong Lie laid the foundation for being a shepherd of God. He emphasised on the love of God and our identity in Christ. He ministered through the leading of the Holy Spirit to those who required inner healing. Many brothers and sisters took turn to fellowship with pastors and clear their doubts. Amazingly, a sister was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time during an altar call.

On the second day and the last day of BC, many shared wonderful testimonies of their encounter with God. Many also committed themselves to a regular intimate time with God. All glory to our Heavenly Father, who is a good good Father.

Reported by
Ps Joshua Wong
