Timing of Hope

Hello. We want to thank the Hope family globally or worldwide. We want to thank that we are part of a global movement and we are very excited that Hope has partnered with us. And we want to thank you all for all your prayers. Please keep us and continue to pray for us. We are thankful that God has been good to us. And we ask you to keep us in your prayers. 

We planted the church back in 2010 and it started with my family and my three children. It has grown to about 70 members now. Mostly Indians converted from Hinduism. And we also have other life groups that are in two other towns.  And our goal is mostly to reach the Hindus for Christ. As much as we are a multiracial church, it’s an English and a Hindi speaking church where we allow other languages also to be used in our praise and worship. 

A few years back when we were in the process of trying to organize ourselves, we were actually not under any umbrella. And around that time we were introduced to Pastor Brendan and then we were introduced to the Hope family worldwide. And after Pastor Brendan’s visit and looking at the mission and the vision of Hope, which was very close to what we were trying to adapt to, and we thought it was the timing of God to bring hope and the organization itself was just right. And so now we are operating under our name in Fiji as Hope International Ministries. And we are thankful for the Hope family and for what the vision is. And the fact that it is a group of churches that wants to let people know who Jesus is.

So, in the three years we have taken up, we have joined with Hope’s vision and the goals of the coming years. We’re very excited about having more life groups and planting more churches in Fiji. And we would like to invite other Hope partner churches to come to Fiji and help us with the mission work and in representing the gospel, in propagating the gospel, in preaching the gospel to others in Fiji. We would love to have all those mission minded people come and visit us and reach the Hindus in Fiji for Christ.

We have embarked into our churches. We do not have a building. We are into our building program this year. Please pray that it will come to completion before the rainy season in November. That is one of our projects going on. And pray for the evangelization of the  Indians or the Hindus in Fiji, that the Lord will allow us to plant small churches or life groups in every town in the islands of Fiji.
