What a refreshing time Hope Philippines’ Conference has been for shepherds across different churches who gathered with the intention to Gear Up to Serve! It was a two-day conference during November 1 and 2, together with Pastor James Loke, as he proclaimed God’s Message. There was great emphasis, first, on the goals and value of healthy Life Groups in extending the Kingdom of God, in uniting and maturing the body of believers. The characteristics of God’s church were further explored, focusing on how, as a church, one can develop their listening skills to God and to their brothers and sisters—an essential ingredient as we make disciples.
Church leaders were also encouraged to equip those leading LG, whether in praise and worship, as a chairperson, or as a discussant. This was a timely refresher and foundation for some whose Life Groups were born during the pandemic. Ultimately, all were encouraged to see the LG as a place where we do life together and ask, ‘Are lives being transformed?’
There was no shortage of testimonies—young, old, single, and married—all were excited to proclaim how God has moved in their personal lives, deepening the conviction in their hearts as they make themselves available for God’s use. Praise reports from mission fields filled the hearts and minds, and there was an urge to continually pray for workers across the islands. During breaks, people shared what they had learned and encouraged one another in the Lord. It is a testament that during the times when we are not together, the Lord has been faithful, leading His people to where He is already at work.
Wherever brothers and sisters in Christ gather, sounds of rejoicing can be heard from their praises and the mighty urging of the Holy Spirit during the conference. Believers were baptized with the Holy Spirit. The next generation was prayed for as they responded to God’s call to extend His Kingdom in their lifetime. It was a joyous occasion, not only for what we learned from the Lord through His servants but also to experience His tangible presence together with us as we commit our lives to Him and gear up to serve.