Elder’s Message: Lessons I’d Tell Myself

Paraphrased from Ps Simon’s message for March 2025. For more, click the video above to watch Ps Simon share his heart on our YouTube channel.

Do you remember the moments where you say, “I wish I knew that before!” We’ve all exclaimed this phrase every once in a while as we go through different stages of life. We often find ourselves wondering how we could have done things differently in the past if only we know what we know now. Now, we cannot change the past. However, we can definitely try to live a better future by learning the lessons from our elders. And what better way to learn that to hear from our very own HIM elder, Ps Simon as he shares the lessons he would tell his younger self.

Invest your talents fully

Knowing what he knows now, Ps Simon encourages us to start by investing our time and God-given talents fully. This means we should excel in our career, let it be our business or anything we are doing at the moment. Because when we excel at our jobs in the marketplace, we are being a blessing to the company, which is a testimony that glorifies God. But this call for investment goes beyond our lives in the marketplace. We should also invest our time and talents into ministry. Serve the church, serve the people, and serve God. Ps Simon speaks from his experience on how fulfilling it can be when we choose to invest in our churches. Another area that is critical for us to invest ourselves in is our family. Always have quality fellowship and enjoy your family time. The more you invest in these areas, the more you will enjoy the season of life you’re in, and the years coming.

Dare to say yes to opportunities

We all have been in the situation where an opportunity may arise, but we hesitate to take the leap. Sometimes we come up with all kinds of reasoning, and we think we are not able to do it. However, Ps Simon encourages all of us to dare to take new steps. We should be able to explore and learn new things along the way as we live our lives to the fullest. Let’s start saying yes to new opportunities!

Build a healthy group of friends

Another important aspect in life is the group of people surrounding us. It is vital to build a group of healthy friends around ourselves, especially if we are still young. For these are the friends that will last with us, friends for the long haul. These are the people we can do life with. Fellowship is an important part of ministry, and having a healthy social group will only elevate your ministry to greater levels.

Be of good support

For the ladies reading this, Ps Lai Eng adds to this with some of the lessons she has learnt in her days, especially for those in their younger age. It is absolutely crucial to have a good support system in our lives. Ps Lai Eng has always been an amazing support to Ps Simon in the past 40 years that they have been married, and through her support in every aspect of their lives, let it be spiritual or natural talents, that Ps Simon was able to accomplish as much as he did. So let us all be of good support to those around us. Invest our time and talent to support your spouses or those you do ministry with.

Find an area of fulfilment

One more lesson here, particularly for the ladies, is to find an area of fulfilment for yourselves. Let it be our families which lasts until the children leave home, or ministry and church, or even a career or any job. Every woman, especially young women, should find this area in your lives as they get to the different stations of life. In putting your time and effort into growing, you will be able to find joy. And in the long term, we can all see the results of your investment into these areas in your life.

We hope that these lessons from Ps Simon and Lai Eng will help us all as we grow together as a family. Let us all invest what God has given us today to be able to do greater things for His Kingdom tomorrow! Amen!
