God has been strengthening our faith in the lead up to Hope Church Auckland’s 2nd Birthday this August. Although Phuong, a key member of the church-planting team, had to return to Brisbane in May for on-going dialysis on her kidney, God was doing a deeper work in the lives of our church as we see many people growing spiritually and stepping up to serve.
As a church, we witnessed many significant breakthroughs this year. We thank God that Dora was able to secure a 5-year work visa just before her working holiday visa expired. Also, we are grateful that Gabriel could return to Auckland and receive an invitation to apply for Australian permanent residency. Do pray along with us that Gabriel will have his Australian PR approved quickly and smoothly.
Another huge praise point was the salvation of a lady who had been joining us for Life Group since February. She received Jesus into her life after hearing the Gospel a second time, and we were able to teach some discipleship lessons with her before she returned back to China.
We can truly testify Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Please continue to uphold Hope Church Auckland in your prayers as we build God’s church here in Auckland. Pray for:
- More salvations.
- More harvest workers.
- Personal breakthroughs and God-encounters for all the members.
- Encouragement for His children to keep building God’s church God’s way.
- Growth in both the Young Adults Life Group in Central Auckland and the new Family Life Group in North Auckland.
All glory to God our Heavenly Father, Jesus our Lord and Savior, and Holy Spirit our wisest Counsellor!