by Sheila Caballero
A church anniversary marks not just the years of existence but also God’s love, guidance, and faithfulness. On September 8th, Hope Leeds Community Church celebrated 23 years of God’s goodness with the theme “Onward Together.” Over the years, God has knit us into a church united in one accord. We have walked together in unity, lifting our voices and hearts in praise and worship.
The celebration began with a warm welcome from Bro. Harold. More than 100 people, including both members and visitors, participated in the icebreaker led by Bro. Mel, working in pairs. The excitement grew as the drums invited everyone to praise and worship the reason for the celebration—Jesus Christ. Some of the youth led a dance praise, waving glow sticks as they poured their hearts into worship. It was truly overwhelming.
Pastor Tino delivered the message, focusing on Exodus 14:1-30. He emphasized three key points:
1. Let us obey God’s instructions together.
2. Let us move forward together.
3. Let us press on together.
Hope Leeds was blessed to have energetic children, who we believe will be future leaders. These young hearts took the stage, dancing to “Deep Cries Out.” Church leaders (SDMM) were invited on stage to bless and pray for the newly appointed leaders of Hope Malton, the lovely couple, Joey and Carissa.
To conclude the service, the Young Adults life group led a celebration dance, and the congregation cheered as candles atop a massive cake were blown out and colorful confetti rained down from above.
The celebration continued with an abundance of food and delicacies shared during the dinner fellowship, along with games enjoyed by everyone, including brothers and sisters from Hope Newcastle, Hope Hatfield, Hope Malton, Hope Milton Keynes, and life group members from Bradford and Hull.
The festivity was truly a celebration of unity. We choose to move “Onward Together,” despite any attempts by the enemy to disrupt harmony. By God’s grace, we will always be a house where every member is welcomed and valued, and our love for one another will continually lift up the name of Jesus.