The Victory of Persistent Prayer

Hello everyone, this is Pastor Eldos from Hope UK. Today I want to share with you an inspiring pioneering story that’s happening in Hope UK.  And  everyone will probably remember that we had a crisis and during this crisis, Hope UK was impacted greatly because two big churches in Hope UK decided to leave the HIM family and one of them is Hope London.

And during this time, especially during the pandemic, the group did not really have any place to meet, or they did not meet at all. And in 2023, in Hope UK Camp, on the final day, the Holy Spirit inspired me to really encourage the Hope UK family to pray that something great is going to happen, we want to see growth in our Hope UK churches. 

Right after the Hope UK Camp 2023, one of the brothers, who was a member in Hope London before, he contacted me.  He said he wanted to reconnect. And he told me he is leading a house church of a few people, faithfully, every Sunday, doing Bible study. But God also revealed to him during the same time, that he needs to reconnect. So he approached me and I reconnected. He visited Hope Hatfield and my family visited him a few times. And for a few months in communicating and conversation, and in October 2023, a few months after he first contacted me, we formally welcomed Hope London and this group, this brother and his group of brothers back to Hope UK.  

Since then, Hope London has been growing. And one of the amazing things that God has given them is a venue very close to the center of London. And the best thing is that it is free of charge. Just imagine the amount of rent that you need to pay to rent a place, and this Hope London, they got a venue for free to use and God also has been amazingly adding people to Hope London. And right now, they are growing 15 and beyond, they have the aspiration to really send a worship team to Hope UK Camp 2025. 
You can just see how united they are and how excited they are to be together, serving God, doing Bible study, doing life together. It is amazing how, without giving up hope, as we continue to pray, as we continue to seek God, God will give us success and victory. And now I would like to really encourage everyone to continue to pray for Hope London.
