Hope International Ministries

Elder’s Message: Impact of Internal Transformation: Evangelism & Loving Others

Hello everyone, I am Pastor Denis Lu of Hope Kuching. And I’m Pastor Hai Eng from Hope Kuching as well. I am also serving together with Pastor Simon and our President, Pastor Wilson as a HIM Elder. Today, I’d like to bring us on a quick journey regarding transforming lives everywhere. This is our vision. This is what we are aiming towards. We aspire to see people’s lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, you know, we have stories, lots of stories. I’m sure Hai Eng has a lot to share as well about how we live out this vision in our everyday life personally and as a church as well.

I would like to present to us three things regarding the inside out transformation, the impact of internal transformation within ourselves, so that we will begin to express the culture and the life of reaching out to other people to evangelize and also to love other people as well.
Hai Eng, in this journey, I think that there are three things which I feel are quite crucial. The first is that, for inside out transformation, it means that the Good News of Jesus Christ must first of all be Good News for me, for ourselves. And then the second thing is that when the Good News becomes real in our life, we realise that it is so special. How do you see that that should be worked out?

Actually, I find that for myself, what is most important is that after I accepted Christ, what is most important to me was that I received the grace and the love of God in my life. And because of that love and grace of God upon my life, I’m blessed. I’m so blessed that I want to share this love and grace with others as well. I want to talk about Jesus. I want to talk about how my life has been transformed. But before I can do that, what I do is that I want to display the love of Christ that God has so blessed me with to the other people by showing them love, by doing things that I believe will touch their lives.
Can you share a quick story about what we do when we travel on airplanes?

Oh, okay. So when we travel on an aeroplane, what we normally do is that we’ll choose a seat that is like, you’ll be sitting next to someone. So if it is a lady, then I’ll sit next to the lady and we’ll start a conversation. But what is important before we start the conversation is I need to roughly know what is the need of the person. If the person is younger, then I’ll start with conversations that I think are relevant to the person. For example, are you working? What do you do? And from there, I will share my experiences of how God has touched my life, how God has moved in my life through that area. And through that, I use that as a platform to connect with the person more. And along the way, if I can, I will bring in the love of God, I’ll bring in how God transforms my life, and how God can make a difference in the person’s life as well.

Right. And actually, when Hai Eng, if it’s a lady who’s sitting next to us, she will sit there and I’ll be sort of beside Hai Eng and I’ll be praying, praying that God will guide the conversation. Now, Hai Eng mentioned something very important that, as she connects with a person, she will try to find out what are the needs in the person’s life. In other words, we believe that there is bad news in people’s lives and in the bad news that people have, we want to introduce the goodness of Jesus.

And so, let me summarize by saying three things, the Good News must first be Good News for us personally, so much that we want to share that with others. The second thing is that we need to focus on sharing the Good News with other people, and with a heart of love. Last but not least, I really believe that, in order for the Good News to effectively have a way to touch someone else, we need to also do good works.

You know, good works can be being friendly, having a smiling face, being very caring, being interested in the person, in doing acts of service, and so on. So friends, when we talk about the inside out transformation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ must first and foremost be Good News for ourselves. Because when it is Good News for ourselves, we can’t help but desire to share that Good News with other people. And that’s where we are willing to serve other people, to do good deeds and good works as well.
Maybe I want to add one point. A lot of times in our life, we feel that we have nothing to give. But in fact, the journey that God brought us through in our walk with Him has very much prepared us to share the good deeds and the good works that the Lord has done in our life. Meaning that whatever that we go through can be a journey that we can share with others. Don’t be afraid. The moment you open your mouth, as you pray that the Holy Spirit leads you, I believe God is going to use you to touch many lives.

Amen. And so, in conclusion, we want to invite all of us to live on this trajectory of everyday life, desiring to help someone take one step closer to Jesus Christ. God bless you. Let us go on this journey together of transforming lives everywhere. Bye bye. God bless.
