Hope International Ministries

Illuminated in God

On 20-23 June 2024, Hope Church Queensland hosted its annual church conference. This year’s theme was ‘Illuminate’, inspired by Ephesians 5:8 where believers were once full of darkness, but now have light from the Lord and so we live as people of the light.

This year’s speakers included Hope Church’s own Pastor Wilson and Lai Ling. Guest speakers included Pastor Denis and Hai Eng from Hope Kuching, and Pastor Lance Wolter from Hope Africa. The children did not miss out with a Kid’s Conference held at the same time, led by Dan Warlow, a very gifted and inspiring Christian kids music artist and entertainer. 

The conference kicked off on Thursday night as Pastor Wilson and Pastor Lai Ling preached about how we are empowered to shine. The powerful preaching culminated in a number of hearts coming forward to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. Friday night saw Pastor Denis preach about declaring God’s praises which only can overflow with encounters for Jesus. 

The first full day of the conference on Saturday began with a series of ‘LiGHT Talks’ where Pastor Wilson, Pastor Hai Eng and Pastor Lance Wolter shared 15-minute messages about how we can light God’s house together! To complement the program, there were workshops and forums covering a variety of topics and tailored for different demographics and life circumstances: 

  • Where Does God Go On Monday? – How we can live for Christ through our work
  • Help! I don’t know what to do with my teen – How to parent teenagers
  • Sabbath: Working from Rest – How we can truly rest and be refreshed in God 
  • Relationship: The Process Matters – How to enter into meaningful and God-centred relationships 
  • IN it, not OF it – What it means to live IN the world but not be OF the world
  • Y-LLUMINATE – Program for high school students

Pastor Denis shared the Saturday night message where he shared about how all of us are called to illuminate through our lifestyle, including our character and conduct.  Many people responded during altar call desiring through godly living and good works can illuminate Christ to the world.

On Sunday morning, Pastor Denis concluded the conference by calling us to illuminate as a community. He shared about how together, the church achieves more in illuminating God’s presence to the world. At the same time, we can spur each other and empower our fellow brothers and sisters to illuminate even more. 

Overall, it was a conference where so many hearts responded to God’s call to use their lives to illuminate Christ in their workplaces, communities and homes.
