Kia ora! We are Gabriel, Phoebe, Grace and Nicole from Hope Church Auckland. Praise God for many significant milestones in our church planting journey over the past 6 months!
In January, we started running our weekly Life Group. We also launched our first live Sunday service and it’s been happening every fortnight since. God brought different ones to join us in many unexpected ways – through friend of a friend, surprise encounters during a hike, and link ups from other Hope Churches around the world!
In March, we received a mission team from Hope Brisbane, and during Easter, another team from Hope Canberra came to support us. Our Easter outreach event – Easter Egg Hunt – had a remarkable turnout of 27 people. Among them were 19 visitors, including 12 adults and 7 children of diverse cultural backgrounds such as Kiwi, Maori, Indonesian, Filipino, Chinese, and Indian. It was a joy to share the Gospel with them all. We give thanks to God for leading these people to us and for the tremendous support from our Hope Church families in Brisbane, Canberra, and all over the world.
Pioneering work comes with its fair share of challenges, and we humbly ask for your prayer support as a global family. Please pray for more key guys to join our church and be captured by the vision of Hope. Pray also for unity, joy and strength amongst the team as we serve God and His people, and for His protection in all aspects of our lives. And pray along with us for Gabriel’s visa to be approved before October 2023. Lastly, let’s pray and believe for 5 salvations by the end of this year!
As it says in Luke 10:2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Indeed, the harvest in Auckland is so abundant, and we believe God will bring even more people to our midst. We extend our warm invitation to those who feel called to missions, those who have a passion for church planting, those considering to move to Auckland, or anyone seeking to start something new for God – you are more than welcome to join us!
Feel free to contact us at, or drop us a message on Instagram or Facebook (@hopechurchauckland). We’d love to hear from you!