On 23 October 2022, Hope Church Brisbane celebrated its 29th Anniversary with the theme ‘Shine for Jesus’.
The anniversary service started with – after all, an anniversary is like a birthday – a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’. A dynamic praise and worship service followed singing “We praise you for all that you’ve done/29 years and the best yet to come.” The singers put the bright in ‘Shine for Jesus’ dressed in bright reds and yellows.
Praise and Worship was followed by ‘impromptu’ interviews from Hope Brisbane members who shared what they were thankful to God for and what they’re asking Him for the future. The children’s ministry, Kids for Christ, did an energetic and amazing anniversary performance. There was then a testimony about how God can use us to change the lives of the people around us.
Pastor Wilson shared a message on Philippians 2:12-18 about how the church could ‘Shine for Jesus’. To emphasise the point, Pastor Wilson demonstrated an object lesson with different types of lights. His point was just as different lights (and torches) play different roles, so too does each church member play their role. He shared how we can shine for Jesus and how we can shine in the midst of the darkness.
The blessings continued after the service where each attendee was blessed with a free doughnut. All in all, the congregation learned about how to shine and be vibrant for God. It was also a wonderful day to celebrate 29 years of God’s wonderful blessings over Hope Church Brisbane.