His Power in My Weakness

By Tony Tran, Hope Brisbane

Hi Church. My name is Tony and I am from the UniGen group QUT4. I’ve been joining this church for 3 years now, during which I professed my faith in Christ. Today, I will be sharing about how God helped me step out of this place from feeling inferior and lacking to a place where I trust in Him and His power.

Throughout 2020, despite things going on in the world, I found myself growing more in my faith and slowly stepping more and more out of my comfort zone. Despite this, I still felt that I was lacking in many areas, especially my knowledge and skills. During the middle of the year, my leader approached me and asked if I wanted to step up and become a mentor by attending the Timothy Class that was coming up. I had previously told him that I felt God was calling me to become a mentor or at least someone who was guiding people in their own spiritual walk with Jesus, so I decided to attend. 

At first, the class was really good and helped me in understanding the role and responsibilities of a mentor, but at the end of it, I still felt that I wasn’t good enough and that I was not ready to take up the role of a mentor yet. So, when my leader approached me and asked if I wanted to step up and become a mentor, I declined saying that I was not good enough and that I was still lacking. It just wasn’t appropriate for me to take up the role.

These feelings lasted for a while. Over time, God kept pushing me and really convicted me to step up for the role.  Eventually, it came to a point where there was this tug of war in my heart between my wanting to step up to become a mentor, and my feelings of inferiority and lack in my life. But then one day, as I was doing my daily devotion, one verse just crashed in and tore down all those feelings that I had. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

This verse revealed to me that I was trying too much to rely on my own strength to become qualified to mentor. But God doesn’t call on the qualified, He calls on those who say yes to Him. After this, I told God that I will learn to rely on His power, not just on my power alone. So, when I was approached again by my leader if I wanted to step up and become a mentor, even though there were feelings of not being good enough, I still said yes because I knew that God’s power was with me.

Even now, though there are still feelings of where I’m not quite up for a task or that I might make mistakes, I’m able to push past these feelings because I know that I am not in this alone but I have God and His power with me. So for anyone who is holding back or hesitating on saying yes to God because they feel like they are not good enough or they don’t feel as not well equipped as other people may be, God is greater than all these things on top and even more so than this His power is made perfect in our weakness. So, I really encourage you guys to just say YES and trust God and in His power. Thanks for listening.
