By Oscar Collantes, HIM Peru

Our Christmas 2021 service took place on 19 December. Besides the great joy and hope in our Lord Jesus, we were so happy to see old and new friends among us.
In October 2021, when we resumed our physical services, there were 10 of us. In our Christmas service, we reached the number of 30 cheerful people for Jesus. We welcomed new families with children who kept in touch virtually with us for almost one and half years. We are so happy to see that those families who experienced God’s restoration in their relationships and they are willing to grow more in their relationship with God in our church.
During our Christmas service, we shared a message about “The gifts of our Lord Jesus” based on Matthew 2:10-11. We shared how each gift describes the purpose of our Lord Jesus who came to save mankind. At the end of the service, most of the new families approached us to tell us that they are willing to be involved as a help for any service in our church.

After our Sunday service, a team from our church went for an outreach to a shanty town called Ventanilla (2 hours from Lima city) to bless 50 poor children with toys and Christmas snacks. After a good fellowship time playing with kids, we closed in prayer and praised our Lord Jesus singing together “He is the King” and “He is our best Christmas gift”.